If you don't have a TwiBFF I hope, if you love Twilight as much as we do, you find one someday. My TwiBFF is Lisa from Twilighters Dream, and I just adore her! It's awesome to find someone who loves and sparkles about Twilight as much as we do.
Photos from our Twilight movie tour in 9.2011 |
Lisa came to Oregon this last September to visit us while we all traveled to Forks for Stephenie Meyer Days 2011. Kind of scary considering we both had never met each other before then, but sometimes you just have to trust people will be who they say they are and that's what we both did... We trusted each other.
Plus we had lots of late night phone calls because you see Lisa lives in Florida. Yeah, she was a long ways from home for sure, but it was great and we had such a blast. I am pretty sure this is a friendship that will not fade fast sense it was built with sparkle power to begin with. ha ha
What's in the box Lisa? ha ha |
Anyway, there are many great things about Lisa, but the one thing she does, and does well is spoil us! Now we love her for more than her gifts,but a few days before Breaking Dawn part 1 came out Lisa sent us a sparkle package filled with all kinds of goodies, and it really did make our day!
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Yay, love presents! |
Savanna was the first one to open the packages, and we both were saying out loud to each other, "Oh Lisa you should NOT have done this!" No really, we said that over and over again even before we had see what she sent. Actually, we didn't need to see what she sent. It was a gift and any gift in my book is wonderful!
Lisa's little note said, "Something old and something new for the Corner." After reading this we started to jump up, and down like a couple of kids on Christmas morning because knowing that Breaking Dawn part one was only a few days away we had an idea of what was in the box, and we were right! Well right about one thing that is. =0)
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Bella's hair comb ROCKS! |
Lisa sent us Bella's hair comb, and it truly is fantastic. Lisa said it was one of the best items Summit came out with and she was right. We love it! Thanks again so much Lisa its completely over the top and out rages just like you! =0)
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Look at all our goodies! |
Lisa thinks of everything. She might want to be Bella, but she is sooo an Alice for sure! She even personalized handmade cards for both me and Savanna! Complete with pictures and a wonderful note to each of us... Such wonderful manners you have Lisa. Your mother must be proud! tee hee We even got Twilight hair brushes and sparkle spray! Oh, and how we love our sparkle spray! No Twilighter is complete without your sparkle spray. I wear this stuff or something like it to work every day. LOVE IT! Life is so much brighter, and you can be a much happier person when you know you are SPARKLING! =0)
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This photo is the best! |
The NECA Twilight Cullen Crest picture frame was the second best thing we received along with the official invitation to Bella and Edwards wedding. HOLLA!
The picture frame we had never seen before, and we adore it! The invitation was one of the items I hadn't yet picked up for Our Twilight Corner and Lisa's gift was just what OTC needed for sure!
Thanks Lisa we love it all and you too! =0) |
All we can say Lisa is Thank You! You are a gem, and we feel very blessed to have met you, and have you in our lives.
I hope every Twilighter can find a TwiBFF to share their love for Twilight, and all things sparkly with someday as well.
Just so you know we now have Edward and Bella's photo on our mantel right next to Jacob Blacks graduation picture. Tee hee =0)
Although, our friendship would be even more PERFECT ya know if we didn't have to live so stinkin far away from each other. :/
However, I am sure our families are thankful we do not. Oh the Twiadventures we would go on. Well don't worry we only have 271 days to go before we are together again my friend.
Look out Forks we are coming back!
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