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I am a HUGE fan of Life, and other Sparkly things!
I have NO clue what I am doing with my blog, but things are defiantly changing, and it feels

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

ReVamping Our office into a TwiRoom

I love, love how things are coming together. Husband needs to go camping more often. Haha
Anyway, I showed you these from an earlier post, Our Twilight Shopping trip.  They are cheap and not of good quality,but I needed something so they will work.  I should have bought real frames though.  
Plus the posters I WANTED to put in these frames are smaller then I had anticipated, so the posters I have up now are not the ones I wanted up first.  However, they so work and would have gone up right after the ones I wanted up, so I am not complaining.   I am just glad to get them up.  
FINALLY, our first Twilight poster is framed and going up on the walls our soon to be Twilight Room.  Sav's peeking out from behind there.  She is just too cute!  The poster looks huge, but its a normal size poster.  Love it!
Looks great over our craft table that you can't really see, but I know it's there. lol    Our walls are gonna look painted by the time I get done hanging up all these posters.  You see I had a weak moment on line and bought like 12 or 15 of them.  Not sure why I bought so many except they were on sale and that's my story; I am sticking to it. ;=)  
NOT that they will all get hung up by any means, but I believe I do have room for five of them to go up.  I might put some lower then eye level on the walls as well, and on the door too.  Then I can hang about 7 or 9 I think  =0)  Tee hee   
Here's what started the Twiroom to begin with.  This is the cake Lisa, my TwiBFF from Twilighters Deam, made for one of her Twilight parties.  Yes, I have it now, and yes I love it.  It was too big for Our Twilight Corner, so I had to put it in our office and that's what set the SPARKLERS flying in my mind.  So if my husband wants to blame anyone its her fault.. ha ha  Love ya Lisa!  =0)
Love, love, love this other Twilight movie poster we also got hung up today.  Probably one of my very favorites of all the Twilight movie posters.  However, do you see how there is a car photo next to my Twilight poster?  Yeah, well no worries.  It will soon be leaving Our Twilight Room, but I need to remove it in a very carefully planned out way.  Otherwise the man will flip out.  Can't just rip stuff off the walls that belong to him.  Wellllll, ok you can, but I am tyring to be nice about this. =0)
Ummm, yeah as you can see Savanna is loving the Twilight Room already.  This poster is right by the door as you walk in to the room, so I have a strange feeling it will get a lot of hand prints and finger prints on it.  However, if I see lip marks I will be pist!   ha ha No kissy, kissy my Edward!  =0) 

Anyway, keep checking back with us to see how the room progresses.  I am hoping to get the room up and running as a Twilight sanctuary before too long.  My goal is to have it fully operational  by the time Lisa comes back to visit us for Stephenie Meyer Day 2012.  =0) 

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